When Matteo Mosca went from CEO to indie hacker, he knew he was risking it all. But little did he know that he would soon build his greatest product yet, and one that would be a mega-hit in the #nocode community. This is the story of 71 Lines — a step-by-step course that lets you quickly build your own Chrome extension with just 71 lines of code. And what do you know, people love it!
When Matteo Mosca went from CEO to indie hacker, he knew he was risking it all. But little did he know that he would soon build his greatest product yet, and one that would be a mega-hit in the #nocode community.
This is the story of 71 Lines — a step-by-step course that lets you quickly build your own Chrome extension with just 71 lines of code. And what do you know, people love it!
>>> Matteo shares his lessons learned from being a serial entrepreneur, why product/market fit is not enough (and why you must chase product/founder fit).
>>> What he learned from multitasking on multiple projects at once, and why he shifted to a laser-focused mindset.
>>> The importance of validating your idea before going all-in, and how to properly leverage no-code tools to test your theories.
>>> Why ideas can be emulated, but passion and vision can’t be replicated. We also explore the dangers of idea theft when building in public, and how building with #nocode tools may (or may not) raise that risk.
>>> Follow Matteo on Twitter @matteomosca_
>>> Build your first Chrome extension with just 71 lines of code. Try the new course at 71lines.com
>>> And if you have an amazing product or story that you want to share on the show, DM us on Twitter @sevendaymvp